Autism Spectrum Disorder

Doctor doing therapy with an autistic kid

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social communication and behavior. It is called a "spectrum" disorder because it affects people in different ways and degrees. Some people with ASD may have mild symptoms, while others may have more severe symptoms.

Common symptoms of ASD may include:

  1. Difficulty with social interaction

  2. Delayed or absent language development

  3. Repetitive behaviors or routines

  4. Sensory processing difficulties

  5. Restricted interests or hyperfocus on specific topics

  6. Difficulty with transitions or changes in routine

  7. Impaired nonverbal communication

  8. Problem with imagination or pretend play

An early intervention can improve outcomes for individuals with the disorder. Treatment for ASD may include a range of interventions such as behavioral therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and medication for associated symptoms such as anxiety or hyperactivity. Individuals with ASD need a coordinated and individualized treatment plan that addresses their needs and strengths.

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