In-Home Medical Services
In-Home Medical Services
Our in-home medical services include far more than you might imagine. While our doctors are fully equipped to treat a wide range of illnesses and injuries for children, adults, and seniors, we provide a variety of convenient primary care services as well. Our home medical services simplify access to prompt, dependable healthcare. Most house calls are available the same day, or within an hour you can speak to a doctor by phone.
With Doctor2me you pay simple upfront fees—no hidden surprises on your bill—and our services are reimbursable by most insurance carriers.
Think Beyond Sore Throat and Sprains
Doctor2me excels at providing in-home care for illnesses and injuries. It’s a huge relief to avoid a trip to the emergency room or an appointment with your doctor, but we also bring a surprising array of healthcare services right to your door:
Bringing Back the House Call
Maybe the friendly 19th-century horse and buggy doctor didn’t have the ability to heal everything, but he did offer one huge comfort to his patients: they never had to leave their own homes to get medical attention. That worn leather doctor’s bag contained everything needed to deliver a baby, dress a wound, or diagnose a sore throat. No matter the time of day, the weather conditions, or the distance, the good doctor came to you.
In the middle of the 20th century, physicians decided that the burden of travel and lost time associated with house calls should be transferred to their patients. After centuries of making house calls, doctors deemed their time and comfort more valuable than that of their patients, and something precious was lost. As a result, for the last eighty years, we have been dragging our sick, wounded selves through a medical wringer that has only become more expensive and labyrinthine.
Doctor2me believes that patient comfort comes first and that in-home medical care should be available once more. We offer good old-fashioned house calls combined with the capabilities of modern medicine. You can schedule a house call for the same day, or within an hour, you can have a telehealth visit.
Your Time Is Valuable
A large part of the reason that the old-fashioned house call fell by the wayside in the 20th century was that doctors felt the practice was a very inefficient and wasteful use of time. And they were—for the physicians. For the patients, however, house calls were wonderful. Sadly, hardly anyone today can remember the relief of being able to call up your doctor and know that help was on the way.
Whether for a medical emergency or something more routine, you can save a lot of time by relying on Doctor2me for many of your healthcare services. It’s maddening to spend your valuable time sitting forever in the waiting room for a medical appointment that you scheduled well in advance. Plus, asking for time off work to deal with healthcare issues costs you not only time but also money.
By scheduling house calls or telehealth visits with Doctor2me, you bypass a lot of stress and wasted time and money. Suddenly, getting your 14-year-old daughter a physical so she can play soccer doesn’t require a scramble to leave work, pick up your child at school, find a parking spot, and settle in for a long wait. Your father, who needs care for congestive heart failure, can remain comfortably at home instead of being dragged around from appointment to appointment.
Hassle-Free Healthcare
Even under the best of conditions, a visit to the doctor is an unwelcome hassle. When you’re sick, how unnecessarily hard it is to get time off work, find a babysitter, compete for a parking spot, sit a long time in a crowded waiting room, deal with stressed-out office staff, fill out long medical history forms for the umpteenth time, and then feel rushed through the appointment when all you want is to crawl in bed and rest at home.
What a relief to know that with Doctor2me, you can stay at home and crawl in bed, and help is just a short while away. Finally, you can experience the convenience of getting in-home medical care like your great-great-grandparents got.
Experience Healthcare at Home
Life can be so much simpler when you don’t have to worry about quick, easy access to healthcare. Doctor2me knows that when you need healthcare, you don’t need the added stress of dealing with a trip to the emergency room or a visit to a physician’s office. Experience the ease and comfort of in-home health care.