Allergic Reactions
Help for Allergic Reactions
Doctor2me can provide relief for allergy suffers at home. Whether your allergies are mild or life threatening, we provide a variety of in-home medical services to help you control symptoms.
The term “allergies” describes a person’s physical response to a foreign substance that the body finds threatening. Your immune system can launch a huge defensive reaction to something most people find completely innocuous--grass, cat hair, and certain foods, for example. Common allergy symptoms, such as a runny or stuffy nose, cough, or watery eyes, mimic those of a cold.
Most people have no problem with the sort of innocent foreign particles that cause allergic reactions. For some reason, though, some people’s immune systems react irrationally. Have you ever seen a friendly dog take an inexplicable disliking to someone you know is perfectly nice and go ballistic? Allergies make about as much sense.
Are All Allergies Equal?
Symptoms, triggers, and the way allergens are introduced to the body can all vary wildly. People can be allergic to just about anything. It is even possible to be allergic to water.
Allergens enter our bodies in a number of ways.
They can be inhaled (like pollen or animal dander)
They can be ingested (like food or medicines)
They can be injected (like medicine or bee stings)
They can come in contact with skin (like poison ivy or lotions)
No matter how a foreign substance gains entrance to the body, an allergic reaction is what we call the immune system’s response.
Allergic reactions run the gamut from skin rash to sneezing and wheezing. They can range from a very mild irritation, like watering eyes, to severe reactions like blocked airways and unconsciousness. Called anaphylaxis, such allergic reactions can lead to death in the absence of medical intervention.
Living with Allergies
Some people have only one allergy and have little trouble avoiding their trigger. To control it, they might only have to take an antihistamine and decongestant when honeysuckle is blooming or before encountering Aunt Tilly’s cat. They may sneeze a little, but otherwise life goes on pretty much as normal.
For other people, though, allergies are much more problematic. Medicine may not relieve symptoms, or allergens may not be avoidable. Immunotherapy in the form of allergy shots can help these allergy sufferers. Allergy shots make it possible for people to live comfortably and control symptoms.
People with life-threatening allergies often carry emergency use EpiPens for use in case of severe reactions. Epinephrine helps relax air passages and allows the victim to breathe, but emergency medical help should still be sought. Food, insect stings, and medicine can trigger anaphylaxis. For anyone raising a child with a severe nut or bee sting allergy, the whole world can be a minefield.
Doctor2me Helps Manage Allergy Symptoms at Home
Whether you need a telehealth visit, a house call, testing, or pharmaceuticals, Doctor2me can bring relief to your doorstep. We provide allergy services for:
Don’t suffer needlessly. If you want to get a handle on your allergies, contact us and find out how convenient in-home medical help can be.