In-Home Treatments
When illness strikes, in-home medical services can be an enormous blessing. The ability to summon at-home care—whether an in-person physician visit or a telephone call—means everything when you or someone you love gets sick. No one can predict when illness will hit, but chances are the timing will be inconvenient (as if there is ever a convenient time to be ill).
What if you are the primary caregiver for your elderly mother and she calls on a snowy Tuesday with stomach pains? There’s a lot to weigh. How serious is the pain? Could it just be something she ate? Is having it assessed by her primary care physician worth risking a fall on an icy sidewalk? And what illness might she pick up while sitting in the waiting room?
And what if you are alone and fall ill? Are you well enough to safely get yourself to your doctor or the E.R.?
Medical Care Should Comfort Not Confound
When you or a loved one is sick and needs comfort the most, why should getting medical treatment involve so much stress? Getting a doctor to fit you into an already busy schedule in a timely manner can be difficult and often requires a long sit in a germ-riddled waiting room. If a patient is elderly and has little mobility, the stress level rises even higher.
For many types of illnesses, Doctor2me can alleviate some of the stress by allowing the patient to remain comfortably at home while receiving diagnosis and follow-up treatment. Our qualified doctors can assess patients for:
Once a diagnosis is made, physicians can plan treatment, order necessary tests (a surprising number of which can be performed at home), and prescribe medication to be delivered to your door.
Get Your Next Doctor Visit at Home
The next time illness strikes, let Doctor2me help. Order a house call or a telehealth visit and experience the comfort of receiving health care without ever having to leave your home.