In Home Treatments
In-Home Treatments
Few people have a living memory of receiving a house call from a doctor. Aside from home health care services for the elderly, it is hard for most people to imagine being able to get medical care at home. Increasingly, however, home-based care is allowing patients to access a number of services without ever leaving home.
This is especially wonderful news for busy working parents, over-extended family members caring for an elderly person, and anyone who has ever fallen ill in the middle of the night. Doctor2me can dispatch a physician to your home the same day or arrange a telephone visit with a doctor within an hour.
Timely In-Home Medical Services
The expanding availability of in-home medical services comes just in time for an exploding elderly population. According to AARP, by 2030 the population of those 65 and older will surpass the number of children in the U.S. For caregivers of a homebound senior, the ability to receive medical services at home is timely.
So many medical emergencies and routine issues can be dealt with in-home. You might be surprised by how many tests and treatments can be conducted without ever having to go anywhere. The portability of modern medical equipment means that such procedures as EKGs and X-rays can be brought to you.
There is no such thing as a good time to be sick, but the last thing you want is a trip to the emergency room. Doctor2me lets you arrange a house call or a telehealth visit so you can avoid the trauma of a rush to the E.R.
Pain Management
Doctor2me helps diagnose and manage pain from a variety of sources. Diagnosing and treating pain is so important for quality of life. We help you get relief without the discomfort of leaving your home.
Sometimes it’s obvious when an injury requires emergency care. Other times, you just need a medical opinion about a burn on a toddler’s hand or advice on how to treat a wound. Your Doctor2me house call may advise stitches, but those can be done at home, too!
Primary Care
Doctor2me is not just for emergency care for illnesses and injury. Rely on us for efficient, convenient primary-care services. We provide in-home services such as monitoring chronic illnesses as well as performing sports physicals and ordering delivery of prescription medicines.
Allergy Care
Allergies come in many forms. Whether it’s a rash like poison ivy, a bee sting, asthma, food allergy, or other issue, Doctor2me provides relief from symptoms and help you keep allergies under control.
21st Century Health Care at Home
Having high quality in-home health care available provides convenience and peace of mind. The next time you or a loved one needs medical care, remember that Doctor2me can have a physician at your door same day, or you can receive a telephone call within the hour. Fees are simple and up front and are reimbursable by most insurers. Never suffer needlessly when help is so close!