What is ear pain?
Ear pain is a common problem that affects adults and children which may require the expertise of an otolaryngologist and other specialists (neurologist, therapist, dentist, etc).
Pain varies by cause, and can be accompanied by difficulty hearing and noise in the ears. Pain may extend to the jaw, teeth or head.
Often, ear pain is caused by an inflammatory process called otitis. Otitis infections are usually caused by viral, bacterial or fungal infections and can be complications of nasal (e.g., maxillary sinusitis) or throat problems, respiratory illnesses or injuries. The same causes can cause eustachianitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the auditory tube, which is also accompanied by pain.
To make a diagnosis, a physician performs an examination and in some cases, takes an ear swab and orders blood work. Additional examinations may be useful if the pain has a dental, neurological or vascular origin.
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