Assisted Living Facilities

Grandmother sits in wheelchair with healthcare nurse providing assistance during the visit

Assisted living facilities for adults are residential communities that provide support services and assistance with activities of daily living to seniors or adults who require some help with everyday tasks but do not require 24-hour medical care.

Assisted living facilities typically offer private or semi-private living accommodations such as apartments or suites and communal spaces for dining, socializing, and recreational activities. Services provided may include assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, medication management, housekeeping, laundry, transportation, and meal preparation.

Assisted living facilities typically employ trained staff who are available around the clock to provide assistance and support to residents. Some facilities may offer on-site medical, physical therapy, and other health-related services.

Assisted living facilities aim to provide a safe and supportive environment where residents can maintain their independence and dignity while receiving the assistance they need to carry out daily activities. State and local agencies regulate assisted living facilities and vary widely in terms of size, services offered, and cost.

Assisted Living Facilities in California

West Hollywood Sherman Oaks

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Board and Care Facilities


Adult Day Care