What types of tests do doctors use to diagnose allergies

Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to foreign substances such as pollen, bee venom, pet dander, or food.

Your immune system produces substances known as antibodies. When you have an allergy, your immune system produces antibodies that identify a particular allergen as harmful, even if it isn't. When you come into contact with an allergen, your immune system's reaction can lead to inflammation of the skin, sinuses, airways, or digestive system. One of these reactions is tearing and sneezing.

With the help of tests, you can determine which allergen causes a reaction in tour body. Based on the results of the test, a doctor will be able to develop a treatment plan to reduce or eliminate allergy symptoms.

There are several types of allergy tests:

* Skin testing – In this test, a small amount of the allergen is placed on the skin and the area is punctured or scratched. If you are allergic, you will feel a slight swelling at the injection site.

* Intradermal tests - these tests are more sensitive than injection tests and may be used when results from injection tests are inconclusive. In this test, your allergist will use a syringe to inject the allergen under your skin.

* Challenge tests - these used when a doctor suspects that you have a food or drug allergy.

* Blood tests - for this test, blood is taken to test for allergies.

Contact us if you are experiencing allergy symptoms. Our highly-qualified doctors are always ready to help you.


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