It is a dangerous assumption

It is a dangerous assumption that we need to drink less water in fall and winter than we do in summer. When the days are shorter, weather is colder, and air is drier, thirst is barely perceptible, so the risk of dehydration is greater than ever.

Doctors recommend drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of plain water a day. Otherwise, outside winds, heated indoor air, and air conditioners will contribute to dehydration which can cause fatigue and headache. By the way, a constant feeling of fatigue is the first symptom of a lack of fluid.

The body rarely sends us signals about thirst, but continues to dehydrate at the same rate as in the heat. The air dried by heaters acts like a sponge, absorbing moisture from all parts of the body: skin, hair, respiratory tract, etc., making it difficult for oxygen to enter the body. Water continues to leave the body however, yet its loss is not as noticeable as in summer.

When the body’s water content is reduced by just 5%, the kidneys’ workload increases, which can lead to various diseases. In addition, the heart rate increases and body temperature rises. And with an increase in body temperature, the internal water supply decreases again.

Physicians have also proven that the morning should not be started with coffee, tea or juices, but with a glass of water on an empty stomach in order to start metabolic processes.


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