Four dangerous diets

  • Mono-diet

The monographic diet (aka Mono-diet) is where an individual eats only one food item or food group for a certain time person — usually a week or more. For example, eating only apples, eggs, or buckwheat for every meal, or alternatively, eating only fruits or vegetables. This type of diet deprives the body of nutrients and can lead to digestive disorders such as gastritis and colitis.

  • Sweet diet

The essence of this diet is to consume exclusively desert-items in the form of sweets or chocolate for five to seven days in an amount of up to 100 g per day, followed by black coffee without sugar. Due to sharp fluctuations in blood glucose levels, a person can experience stomach pain, heartburn, headaches, loss of strength as well as a severe disruption of digestive enzymes.

  • Protein diet

In this diet, fish and meat products are heavily consumed and carbohydrates, including those from fruits and vegetables, are sharply limited. A large amount of protein heavily burdens the kidneys, which can cause the formation of kidney stones. This diet may also negatively affect metabolism.

  • Full liquid diet

When attempting a full liquid diet, an individual consumes their nutrients and calories all in liquid form. Food items such as potatoes are pureed prior to consumption, along with soups and juices. The body of an adult is not adapted to digest all food in such a manner, and so this diet seriously disrupts digestion and metabolism.


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