Chronic Pain

A doctor discusses with a patient her chronic pain

Chronic pain is a persistent or recurring pain that lasts longer than six months. Various conditions can cause it and affect different body parts, such as the back, joints, or head. Chronic pain can be debilitating and impact a person's daily activities, mood, and overall quality of life.

Some common causes of chronic pain include:

  1. Arthritis

  2. Fibromyalgia

  3. Migraines or headaches

  4. Back pain

  5. Nerve damage or neuropathy

  6. Endometriosis

  7. Cancer

  8. Chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic pain can be challenging to manage, and treatment approaches may vary depending on the underlying cause of the pain. Individuals with chronic pain must work with their healthcare providers to develop an individualized treatment plan that addresses their needs and symptoms.

Treatment for chronic pain may include a combination of medication, physical therapy, psychological counseling, and complementary therapies such as acupuncture or massage. Self-care strategies like exercise, relaxation techniques, and stress management can also help manage chronic pain.

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